New Era Colorado is the leading voice for young people in Colorado politics and one of the most effective youth civic engagement organizations in the country. Across all of our work, we root ourselves in our north star: harnessing young people’s political power to co-create a Colorado that serves all people.
In 2024, New Era Colorado ran its most impactful cross-entity electoral program yet. We saw proof of our philosophy that we can change elections when young people are educated and empowered. We saw that when we center the issues young people care about and deliver progress on the Youth Agenda, young people will turn out in record numbers. Most importantly (legislators, please take note!), we saw that when we fight for young people, they show up.
Read our annual report for a brief rundown of our 2024 wins and an exciting sneak peek into our 2025 work. Now, more than ever, young people will lead us into a future with a more representative democracy and where we all have what we need to thrive.