
New Era Colorado Action Fund Endorsements

Despite record youth turnout in the last three national elections, meaningful progress has stalled on the Youth Agenda platform. New Era Colorado Action Fund is seeking to win primary and general election seats at the state and local level to improve the chances of passing priority policies by electing Youth Agenda champions who are fully committed to the Youth Agenda and co-governance with young people.

Representative Tim Hernández

Representative Tim Hernández

House District 4

Representative Hernández committed to walking alongside and empowering young people in the political process. His experience as a teacher and an organizer have helped him design policy that centers young people’s lived experience while balancing the end goal of liberation for all people.

Yara Zokaie

Yara Zokaie

House District 52

Yara believes that it's time for people to elect someone who will represent them - not corporate interests. Yara’s experience as a tax attorney and belief that corporations should pay what they owe will help us fund policy demands for a more inclusive, equitable and anti-racist future.

Obi Ezeadi

Obi Ezeadi

Senate District 19

Obi is ready to center the voices of the most impacted in the senate. His work as a Westminster City Councilor has honed his ability to craft policy with his community rather than for his community. Obi is ready to work alongside young people to create a future that is inclusive and centers healing.